Autism and Temple Grandin

English: Temple Grandin at a book signing at R...

English: Temple Grandin at a book signing at Rochester Community and Technical College in Rochester, Minnesota (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Everyone on the Autism Spectrum is very unique and has many different capabilities. Temple Grandin is one very brave soul. She has come out with her life experiences and made huge differences in many lives of autistic individuals.

I believe Temple is right about keeping hands on classes in schools. Many autistic individuals learn through music and art. I suppose I might say that even non autistic individuals learn through music and art.

Accentuating the strengths in any child is very important. When you accentuate the strength in an autistic individual it helps them in their confidence and independence.

Sarah’s fixation is vacuums. She has a specific brand and color of vacuum that she likes and can tell you all about it. She can switch motors out of them, fix them and put it back together in better condition than they were before.

There are balances to these fixations that autistic individuals have. The fixations should not be the only priority in there lives, but should be taken in to consideration that the fixation is a strength that can be built upon.